An award-winning contemporary romance novelist and short story writer, Stephanie lives in Te Waipounamu, the South Island, and writes popular...
Featured Authors
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Dahlia Malaeulu
Dahlia Malaeulu has gone from searching for Pasifika children’s stories to creating them. As an award winning author, publisher and founder of...
Rochelle Maroon
Former children’s book editor and journalist, Rochelle Maroon, has turned first-time novelist with her new urban adventure for middle readers The...
Denise Fitzpatrick
As a born and bred Kiwi growing up in the South Island, Denise developed a passion for reading mysteries. She devoured Enid Blyton’s Famous Five...
Vicky Adin
As a Welsh-born, Cornish raised immigrant who married a fourth-generation Kiwi bloke with Irish, Scottish and English ancestors, Vicky developed a...
Tom O’Connor
Tom O’Connor is a semi- retired, “reasonably” bi-lingual journalist, historian and political commentator who has specialised in New Zealand affairs,...