As a Welsh-born, Cornish raised immigrant who married a fourth-generation Kiwi bloke with Irish, Scottish and English ancestors, Vicky developed a passion for family history – and a love of old photos, antiques, and treasures from the past.

Portrait of author Vicky Adin

The further she dug into the past the more she wanted to record the lives of the people who were the foundations of her new country. Not just her ancestors but all those who braved the oceans and became pioneers in a raw new land.

Vicky combined her skills to write sometimes heart-warming, sometimes tragic novels about early immigrants to New Zealand. Although the history remains true to the times, she fictionalised the characters to better explore themes of family, loyalty, home and belonging, while weaving mysteries, both past and present, into family life with love, laughter, and tears.

Through these stories, readers can choose to journey alongside those immigrants as they created a new life in The New Zealand Immigrant Collection, six stand-alone yet interconnected stories which uncover the mysteries, the lies and the challenges of
the past.

Or follow their descendants as they delve into The Art of Secrets series to uncover the long lost secrets of bygone days while searching for their roots.

Her latest release is Lucy: a  compelling tale of a suffragist and the courageous women who fought for their right to vote (Book 3 in The Art of Secrets series).

Emma’s curiosity is piqued by a gutsy young climate change campaigner with an antique trinket box full of women’s rights badges. She tenaciously pursues her passion for revealing secrets trying to unravels Paige’s intriguing past, but is she putting her loyalty to her family and friends to the test?

Vicky holds a MA(Hons) in English, is a lover of art, antiques, gardens, good food and red wine. She and her husband travel throughout New Zealand in their caravan and travel the world when they can. She hopes readers enjoy learning about the past through her stories as much as she had in writing them.

Gwenna The Welsh Confectioner book cover
The Costumer's Gift
The Disenchanted Soldier by Vicky Adin book cover
The Cornish Knot
Portrait of a Man

The six titles in the “New Zealand Immigrants Collection”

The Art of Secrets
Elinor by Vicky Adin
Lucy by Vicky Adin

“The Art of Secrets” series

Vicky’s books are available to purchase through her website