Amanda emigrated from England to the beautiful Mackenzie Basin 15 years ago. Here, where the scenery inspires and legends abound, she found, by chance, the inspiration to reimagine the story of the infamous sheep rustler, James Mackenzie. Following the first book, The...
Jodie Shelley is a debut author, based in Auckland, New Zealand. She writes novels set in NZ, which are easy to read and fun, but which explore grittier themes such as problem gambling and family harm. Her first novel, The Tūī has Landed was released by Bank Street...
Jo Dawson grew up on a dairy farm in Wellsford, a small town in the North Island of New Zealand. She spent fifteen years as a teacher in New Zealand and abroad, before becoming a stay-at-home mum and completing her graduate degree in Theology. She has lived in...
Kellie Dawson is a New Zealand based human rights lawyer and mother of two, whose worries over her own son’s anxiety led her to create a resource specifically aimed at helping her son, Xavier, to understand that his feelings of anxiety were normal. The book was...
I am an Author, Outdoor Lover and Mum. I live in Christchurch and have a background in Outdoor Education, I love combining this with writing. I aim to inspire others to get outdoors and enjoy all the amazing feelings that you experience, leading to caring for our...