
Are you an independent or self-published Kiwi author?

Indie Books is a publication distributed to retailers, shops, libraries and schools in New Zealand by hardcopy and email. The catalogue is also available to browse or download here on the Indie Books website.

Indie Books provides book buyers across New Zealand up to date information about new books published by independent Kiwi authors. The website is a portal to the vibrant independent author community, featured author articles and the latest catalogues.

Why advertise in Indie Books?

  • Indie Books is posted and emailed to a database of over 300 retailers, libraries and schools
  • Showcase your books directly to buyers
  • Drive more traffic to your website
  • Generate more sales via your distributor
  • A range of advertising options and rates
  • Be seen alongside a great range of other independently published titles
  • Build the profile of the independent author community

Bookings for the Spring 2024 issue are now open.

Rate Card

A range of advertising options are available to suit your books.  Download our rate card for more information on the opportunities available.

To request a space in the upcoming edition – please complete the form below.

Author Directory

Our author directory showcases the large and diverse independent author community here in New Zealand.

A directory listing includes:

  • Name
  • Author photo
  • Short bio (50-100 words)
  • Link to your website
  • Book covers

A directory listing provides a valuable backlink to your own website, benefiting your SEO.

$30 + GST for 12 months*

*Special offer All full and half page ads booked in the upcoming edition will receive a complimentary directory listing for 12 months.

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Indie Books NZ


Tel: 021 707 401


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